Software that enables researchers to process and interpret the experimental data from more than 30 different instruments at the ISIS facility. This software is essential for advancing scientific research and innovation in various fields and domains.

  • Aten for editing atomic configurations such as those used by, and generated from, EPSR.
  • Dissolve for the interrogation of scattering data, typically total neutron scattering data.
  • dlputils for calculation of quantities from, and manipulation of, DL_POLY/xyz trajectories.
  • Euphonic for efficient simulation of phonon bandstructures, density of states and inelastic neutron scattering intensities from force constants.
  • Fitbenchmarking for comparing different minimizers/fitting frameworks.
  • GudPy Python-based batch processing and alternative GUI for Gudrun also offering additional functionality unavailable in the Gudrun Java GUI
  • Gudrun for reducing data from neutron and x-ray scattering experiments.
  • HOGBEN for optimising the design of a wide range of reflectometry experiments.
  • Herbert a collection of utilities for visualisation and analysis of neutron spectroscopy data, providing low-level data manipulation routines Horace.
  • Horace for the visualisation and analysis of large datasets from time-of-flight neutron inelastic scattering spectrometers.
  • Mantid for processing, particularly reducing, materials-science data.
  • Mantid Imaging provides a graphical toolkit for neutron imaging.
  • McPhase for the calculation of magnetic properties.
  • MDANSE for computing neutron observables from molecular dynamics (MD) trajectories that can be directly compared with neutron scattering experiments, particularly inelastic and quasi-elastic neutron scattering spectroscopies.
  • MDMC for automating the typical workflow of researchers that create atomistic/microscopic models (via molecular dynamics, MD, simulations) and compare them with experimental data (mostly from neutrons scattering especially QENS).
  • MuSSIC for calculating neutron-weighted structure factors from coarse-grained simulation trajectories.
  • RAMP a Monte Carlo raytracing package for the simulation of neutron instrumentation.
  • RasCAL for analysing data collected on ISIS reflectometry beamlines.
  • SasView for the analysis of small angle scattering data.
  • SpinW to plot and numerically simulate magnetic structures and excitations of given spin Hamiltonian using classical Monte Carlo simulation and linear spin wave theory.
  • SScanSS-2 for planning, visualising, and setting-up strain scanning experiments on engineering beam-line instruments.
